Practicing Freedom in a Time of Crisis: Political Education, Movement Building and Accountability’ with Resist + Renew
As genocide and ethnic cleansing continue to unfold in Palestine, everywhere around us a narrative war is taking place, while a campaign to silence voices calling for a ceasefire has gone into overdrive. The need to speak up for freedom, justice and equality has never been more acute or challenging. Friendships and working relationships are rupturing as a deep-set breach in values and beliefs is revealed, resulting in painful feelings of alienation and even betrayal with those close to us. In such a defining moment, we are starkly reminded not only of the importance and necessity of mobilising, but of the centrality of political education in working towards change. To register for the event, click on the title above.
Thinking about the future at a time of Nakba reoccurring
Makan Outreach & Programmes Manager, Saron Bedwan, will be a panel member at this event organised by the British Society…
‘Reframing Palestine’ workshop
Dive deep into understanding Palestine with our 'Reframing Palestine' training and explore crucial frameworks like settler-colonialism, occupation, resistance, and more…
Reframing Normal: Disability, Dehumanisation, and Solidarity with Palestine
Join us and on Thursday 4th April as we explore how disability and debility configure into the collective Palestinian experience, and how disability justice is at the core of Palestinian liberation. Click on the title to learn more.
Climate Justice Power Hour for Palestine
Join us for our monthly Climate Justice Power Hour for Palestine!
We are teaming up with Tipping Point for Power Hours at 5pm every third Thursday of the month. Together we will provide overviews of different areas of Palestine’s history and its current struggles followed by taking collective action. Click on the above title to learn more.
Film in Solidarity with Palestine
Makan Director, Aimee Shalan, will be participating in the Open Documentary Festival by holding a talk on narrative reframing. The event itself will explore how filmmakers can work together to end institutional complicity with occupation and apartheid both within the industry and the world beyond. It will also discuss what Palestinians are calling on cultural workers to do, and what does meaningful solidarity can look like. Click on the title to learn more.
ESEA Green Lions: Palestine Solidarity & Climate Justice Teach-in
Sarona Bedwan, Makan's Programme Manager will be joining this Palestine solidarity and climate justice teach-in and presenting on the extractive ideology of political Zionism, how Israel uses the land to greenwash its land theft, and the exploitation and theft of natural resources by Israel in its settler colonial project. Click on the title to learn more.
Between the Local and Global: Palestine as Indigenous & anti-Imperialist Struggle’ Online Workshop
Join our new interactive workshop as we examine the concepts of indigeneity and imperialism in relation to Palestine. Through growing our understanding of indigeneity and imperialism, participants will understand Palestine as a local Indigenous struggle for decolonisation, frame Palestine as part of a global anti-imperialist struggle, and explore how together these frameworks shape our demands and strategies. Click on the title to learn more.
Mobilizing for Gaza: Speaking Truth to Power
In a time where misinformation, falsehoods, and outright lies are enabling death and destruction of epic proportions, it’s imperative that we seek, uplift, and learn from leaders that do the courageous work of speaking truth to power and guide others to follow suit. Click the title to learn more.
Land, Water and Destruction: Israel’s Ecocide in Palestine
Makan's Programmes Manager, Sarona Bedwan, will be a part of this panel discussion on the ecological consequences of the Israeli war and occupation. Click on the title for more information.