Sarona Bedwan, Makan's Programme Manager will be joining this Palestine solidarity and climate justice teach-in and presenting on the extractive ideology of political Zionism, how Israel uses the land to greenwash its land theft, and the exploitation and theft of natural resources by Israel in its settler colonial project. Click on the title to learn more.
Join our new interactive workshop as we examine the concepts of indigeneity and imperialism in relation to Palestine. Through growing our understanding of indigeneity and imperialism, participants will understand Palestine as a local Indigenous struggle for decolonisation, frame Palestine as part of a global anti-imperialist struggle, and explore how together these frameworks shape our demands and strategies. Click on the title to learn more.
In a time where misinformation, falsehoods, and outright lies are enabling death and destruction of epic proportions, it’s imperative that we seek, uplift, and learn from leaders that do the courageous work of speaking truth to power and guide others to follow suit. Click the title to learn more.