Administrative Detention

Administrative detention

Administrative detention is when an individual is detained indefinitely without being convicted of, charged with, or tried for a crime. Israel holds Palestinians under administrative detention on alleged secret information. In the vast majority of cases, neither the detainee nor their lawyer are informed of the reasons for the detention or given access to this information. Administrative detention is permitted under international law in extreme cases, but the Israeli authorities have been found to use it against Palestinians in a routine and sweeping manner. Administrative detention is renewed for as long as the Israeli state sees fit, with some detainees being incarcerated for months or even years without a trial or a criminal charge.

Israel has been using administrative detention in order to arrest Palestinians without the need for a fair trial since the 1950s, but the use of the practice in historic Palestine, goes back to the British Mandate period. Today, administrative detainees endure harsh conditions without having received a guilty conviction. Palestinians are overrepresented in Israeli administrative detention, which reflects Israel’s general policy against Palestinians. It has been noted how Israel uses administrative detention against Palestinians as both a punitive measure and as a form of collective punishment. Palestinian legislative council members, as well as journalists and vocal advocates for Palestinian rights, have been held under administrative detention.

Over the past few years, there had been around 4000-5000 Palestinians political prisoners held by Israel at any point in time, many of whom are in administrative detention.1 Yet, cases of mass arrests and administrative detention of Palestinians rose even dramatically from October 2023.2 Between then and August 2024, Israel had arrested over 10,000 Palestinians. As of September 2024, there are a total of 9900 Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel, of whom 3332 are in administrative detention.3


Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in both Israeli and Palestinian prisons. Their website contains information and statistics on administrative detainees.

B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, works to ensure the human rights, liberty, and equality of all people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Their website contains detailed statistics and additional information on administrative detention.





The session was truly enriching and specifically in learning about the setting the terms of the conversation in debating, anticipating counter arguments and how to respond back.

Workshop Participant

Communications & Advanced Debating Workshop, Nov. 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed the disability justice workshop. The information provided and activities conducted gave us a holistic understanding of the intersectionality between disability and colonialism. Looking forward to attending more Makan workshops.

Workshop Participant

'Disability Justice in Palestine' workshop in partnership with Diversity & Ability, Jun. 2023

I just started to follow and learn about the situation in Gaza, and these are very helpful pieces. Please keep up the good work!

Instagram Follower