

The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known by its Arabic acronym of Hamas, defines itself as a “Palestinian nationalist” and “Islamic” liberation and resistance movement which sees its main objective as the liberation of all of historic Palestine (1). The group was founded by Palestinian cleric and activist Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 1987 during the First Intifada and grew out of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It, has been the political party governing the Gaza Strip  since 2007. 

The formation of Hamas occurred in the context of the First Intifada. Previously, the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood was dedicated to a project of “Islamisation”, whereby the path to national liberation was seen to depend on Palestinian society’s moral virtue and religiosity. During the 1980s, Palestinian society began agitating against Israeli occupation forces more actively, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood felt their existing strategy had to change to respond to this. Therefore, resistance through armed struggle came to be seen as the path to national liberation, with an Islamic society coming after. Hamas was established in this context, together with increasing discontent at the perceived corruption and capitulation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), at the beginning of the First Intifada in 1987. Because of the use of armed resistance and suicide bombings, Hamas in its entirety is considered a terrorist organisation by Israel, Australia, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States (2). Previously, the United Kingdom had only proscribed the military wing of the group, however, in November 2021 Hamas was proscribed in its entirety (3).

Hamas’s political trajectory has gradually been one of acceptance of the two-state solution on the 1967 borders and a downplaying of their framing of Palestinian liberation in religious terms, whilst at the same time withholding “recognition” of the state of Israel, supporting the right of return, and continuing to present its mission as one of the total liberation of historic Palestine (4). In 2017, Hamas announced the release of a new political document accepting the formation of a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders and framing the Palestinian struggle as one of national liberation rather than a religious conflict. The document also clarified that the Palestinian struggle was against Zionism rather than Judaism or the Jewish people. Palestinian scholars and analysts argued that the document effectively functioned as the organisation’s new charter, and an attempt by Hamas to distance itself from the discredited Oslo framework whilst retaining international political influence and legitimacy (5). 

Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinians under occupation in 2006 to take over the Palestinian Authority. Hamas’s election victory initiated a US-led regime change operation that entailed military, financial and diplomatic efforts to prevent Hamas from forming a government. This led to heightened tensions between Hamas and Fatah which ultimately resulted in internal violence and Hamas’s takeover of Gaza in 2007. 

Since then, Israel has maintained a stifling blockade which amounts to collective punishment against Gaza’s two million Palestinians, the majority of whom are refugees. Israel has also launched five devastating assaults on Gaza – in 2008-09, 2012, 2014, 2018-19 and 2023. 

As time has gone on, Hamas’s governance in Gaza has been criticised for repression of dissent, increasing corruption and inequality, and a stifling of democratic processes (6).

On 7th October, a Hamas-led operation to breach the fence with Israel and take key military sites within Israeli territory just outside of Gaza led to one of the most significant strategic defeats for the Israeli military in its history. According to Israeli officials quoted by UN OCHA some 1,200 Israelis were killed. A day later, the Israeli military government formally declared ‘war’.


  1. Muhammad Maqdsi, ‘Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) of Palestine’, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Summer, 1993), pp. 122-134
  2. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/hamas
  3. Sobek, D. (2013). The causes of war. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  4. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/05/hamas-accepts-palestinian-state-1967-borders-170501114309725.html.
  5. Khaled Hroub, ‘A Newer Hamas? The Revised Charter’, Journal of Palestine Studie Vol. 46, No. 4 (Summer, 2017), pp. 100-111;
  6. https://pchrgaza.org/en/annual-report-2022/

Further Reading: 

The Original Hamas Covenant, written in 1988, can be found at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2538093

The Document of General Principles and Policies of Hamas contains current and official Hamas stances. The document can be found at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2347798917727905?journalCode=cmea

In Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance, by Tareq Baconi, Baconi argues that Hamas had effectively been contained – and temporarily pacified – in the Gaza Strip, a dynamic which Hamas overturned in 2023. The book traces the evolution of the movement’s political and ideological thought from 1987 – 2017. 

Henry Siegman argues that Israeli and Western engagement and negotiation with Hamas rather than isolation could bring about crucial changes in Hamas’s policies and ideologies. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2006/04/27/hamas-the-last-chance-for-peace/

Hamas: From Resistance to Government by Paola Cardici details the conditions that led to the rise of and support of Hamas.

Hamas: A Beginner’s Guide by Khaled Hroub provides an overview on Hamas and analyses the reasons behind Hamas’s victory in the 2006 Palestinian Authority elections. Hroub also argues that Western powers must take Hamas seriously if there is to be peace in Israel-Palestine.



The session was truly enriching and specifically in learning about the setting the terms of the conversation in debating, anticipating counter arguments and how to respond back.

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Communications & Advanced Debating Workshop, Nov. 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed the disability justice workshop. The information provided and activities conducted gave us a holistic understanding of the intersectionality between disability and colonialism. Looking forward to attending more Makan workshops.

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'Disability Justice in Palestine' workshop in partnership with Diversity & Ability, Jun. 2023

I just started to follow and learn about the situation in Gaza, and these are very helpful pieces. Please keep up the good work!

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