
Our online and in person workshops are dedicated to equipping people with the knowledge and skills they need to become effective advocates and informed allies.



The session was truly enriching and specifically in learning about the setting the terms of the conversation in debating, anticipating counter arguments and how to respond back.

Workshop Participant

Communications & Advanced Debating Workshop, Nov. 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed the disability justice workshop. The information provided and activities conducted gave us a holistic understanding of the intersectionality between disability and colonialism. Looking forward to attending more Makan workshops.

Workshop Participant

'Disability Justice in Palestine' workshop in partnership with Diversity & Ability, Jun. 2023

I just started to follow and learn about the situation in Gaza, and these are very helpful pieces. Please keep up the good work!

Instagram Follower

Our introductory sessions offer foundational knowledge on key issues like the Nakba, settler colonialism, imperialism, and apartheid. From there, our core workshops dive deeper, equipping participants with the necessary information and practical skills to tackle difficult talking points. Building on this strong foundation, our intersectional workshops help to link the Palestinian struggle with broader global social justice and liberation movements.

While we recommend starting with our introductory and core workshops to build a strong foundation, you’re welcome to join any of our sessions at any point in your journey. Whether you’re deeply focused on Palestine, eager to learn more, or coming from another liberation movement, our workshops are designed to meet your needs and help you grow as an advocate for justice.

If you want to see more workshops from us, please consider becoming a monthly member or making a one off donation to Makan! Every pound you give goes directly to furthering our educational mission on Palestine, and helping ordinary people to advocate for freedom, justice and dignity for Palestinians.

Reframing Palestine
Foundational Workshop

Reframing Palestine

In this training we delve into the key frameworks and concepts through which the Palestinian struggle can be understood, such as settler-colonialism, occupation, apartheid, peace process, Nakba, and more. Interweaving a historical and conceptual analysis of the trajectory of the Palestinian cause, this workshop offers a critical understanding of Palestine, its history, and the discourse around it.

Mini series trainings
Foundational Workshop

Palestine Mini Series

This educational mini-series offers a cohesive understanding of the Palestinian struggle through four 1-hour sessions taking place every other week. The series interweaves historical overview with an analysis of the framing of the Palestinian struggle. The aim is to empower you with the knowledge needed to not just know historical facts, but to be able to effectively talk about and frame Palestine. You can attend all sessions for cumulative knowledge or select one(s) specific to your needs/interest.

  • The first session focuses on the local and global context of the early 20th century to provide an understanding of the period leading up to the Nakba.
  • The second session discusses Palestine as a struggle against settler-colonialism and a global struggle against imperialism.
  • The third session critically examines the apartheid framework in relation to the Palestinian context, outlining its strategic uses and its limitations.
  • The final session focuses on the current period in the Palestinian struggle, focusing on the consequences of the so-called ‘peace process’ and on current forms of Palestinian and global resistance.

Each session will consist of a 40-minute lecture followed by Q&A time.

Framing Israeli Apartheid_ Uses and Limitations for Palestine Advocacy
Foundational Workshop

Framing Israeli Apartheid: Uses and Limitations for Palestine Advocacy

This workshop offers a comprehensive understanding of apartheid, illustrating how Israel's policies meet the legal definition under international law and how to articulate this effectively. It also aims to help activists develop a critical understanding of some of the limitations of the apartheid framework, and how to utilise it strategically alongside frameworks of settler colonialism and occupation in advocacy work.

This workshop is suitable for people who have basic background knowledge on Palestine (see ‘Reframing Palestine’ workshop information above).

Between the Local and Global_ Palestine as Indigenous and anti-Imperialist Struggle
Foundational Workshop

Between the Local and Global: Palestine as Indigenous and anti-Imperialist Struggle

In this workshop, we explore the concepts of indigeneity, settler-colonialism, and imperialism to understand Palestine as both a local Indigenous struggle for decolonisation and as part of a global anti-imperialist struggle, exploring how together these frameworks shape our demands and strategies.

This workshop is suitable for people who have basic background knowledge on Palestine (see ‘Reframing Palestine’ workshop information above).

How to Talk About Palestine
Core palestine workshop

How to Talk About Palestine

This workshop helps participants expand their skills when talking about Palestine by offering communication tips on how to engage in challenging conversations, and by building participants’ confidence to know how to respond to various arguments. Facilitating a safe discussion space, we take participants through a variety of talking points regularly heard in the media and the wider public conversation, and collectively analyse these arguments and how to respond to them.

This workshop is suitable for people with foundational or advanced knowledge on Palestine who would like to develop how to best debunk arguments in the mainstream narrative.

Communications & Advanced Debating
Core Palestine workshop

Communications & Advanced Debating

A more advanced version of our ‘How to Talk About Palestine’ workshop, in this workshop each participant puts their knowledge and communication skills to practice by engaging in a one-on-one debate roleplay with Makan facilitators. Each debate is then followed by detailed facilitated feedback by Makan staff.

Journalists Workshop
Core Palestine Workshop

Journalists Workshop

This interactive workshop targets journalists who are working to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Palestinian struggle, to contextualise material realities and contemporary events in Palestine, to gain the tools to cover Palestine through an intersectional and anti-colonial lens, and to feel equipped to avoid common pitfalls and promote sound political framing when covering events in Palestine.

Nothing About Us Without Us Disability Justice in Palestine
intersectional workshop

Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Justice in Palestine

In this interactive workshop, co-developed with Diversity & Ability, we examine concepts of disability and disablement in relation to Palestine. Through growing our understanding of disability justice in Palestine, we explore how disability justice is not only a human rights issue but also an integral part of the broader anti-colonial movement.

This workshop is suitable for people who are involved in the disability justice movement and would like to learn more about how it applies to the context of Palestine, and/or for people who are involved in the Palestinian liberation movement and would like to learn more about how disability justice is central to it.

Gender, Sexuality & Anti-Colonialism in Palestine
intersectional workshop

Gender, Sexuality & Anti-Colonialism in Palestine

This interactive workshop will critique intersectionality and examine gender and sexuality in relation to Palestine. By focusing on the roles of Israeli settler colonialism and Western imperialism in gender and sexual oppression, as well as looking at frameworks for resistance and liberation, this training goes beyond the pinkwashing framework to deepen our solidarity.

This workshop is suitable for people who are involved in the queer and feminist movement and would like to learn more about how it applies to the context of Palestine, and/or for people who are involved in the Palestinian liberation movement and would like to learn more about how queer and feminist liberation is central to it.

Free the People, Free the Land_ Palestine and Climate Justice
Intersectional workshop

Free the People, Free the Land: Palestine and Climate Justice

This workshop aims to develop understandings of the material connections between justice for Palestine and climate justice. The session will dive into the relationship between settler colonialism and ecological violence on a local level, and discuss the relationship between the climate crisis and imperialism on a global scale and why the climate justice movement should have Palestine and anti-imperialism at the heart of it.

This workshop is suitable for people involved in the climate justice movement who would like to learn more about how climate justice connects to Palestine, and/or for people who are involved in the Palestine movement and would like to learn how climate justice relates.